I love this family! That thought just stayed in my mind as I was going through their photos to post a few on here. I have been taking their photos since they got married nine years ago. They faithfully asked me every year after that to photograph their family. I have such gratitude towards them!
We thought that last summer was going to be our last session together. We were literally packed and headed to FL to check out a job opportunity for Ralph when I did their session in a sunflower field (https://www.courtneycampbell.net/post/maltby-family).
When I had a trip planned to NY this past summer, I reached out to them to see if they wanted their yearly family photos. My schedule was tight and I already had a session scheduled at Glen Falls so they met me there, too! It was so good to see them again.
We always have fun during our session. Jim and Bethany know my style so well that we banter back and forth all of the time.

Their son, Jameson is such a sweetheart and brings such a warmth to their photos.

Mirabel is a senior in high school this year and despite her strong distaste to have her portrait taken, I was able to snap a few of her, too. She's a tricky one that I have to catch in the moment, but by the grace of God, I always manage to! Perhaps that's why Bethany stuck with me all of these years. ;) I cannot believe how grown up she is!

I am so thankful to have been able to spend so many years with this family. I will always think fondly of them no matter where the road takes them or me. And hey, maybe we'll still manage to get in yearly photos despite our distance apart!
Saved the best for last. I am so proud of Bethany for all of the self-discipline she has!
